The love and genuine caring displayed at Mother Earth is unmatched. They make your experience incredibly comfortable and safe. Something that makes most people nervous is alleviated by the education and understanding of staff on hand.
I came here stuck in the cycle of drug addiction knowing I needed help to get and stay clean. Blessed to have a newborn I wanted to be a better man and the father my daughter deserves.
I was highly addicted to prescription pain medication which I abused for over a decade and I haven’t had a single urge or craving in 5 months. I have been clean now ever since my visit and equally amazing I have no stress or racing thoughts that clouded my head daily before.
Change can be tough but it is necessary to invest in yourself and become the best version of yourself not only for you but for your partner, family, and friends.
I have become a better father, partner, worker and friend by stepping outside of my comfort zone and gaining a new perspective on life and a higher level of consciousness. What they do at Mother Earth really works!
I mediate often, eat healthier and have been loving life and everything GOD has put on this planet for us to enjoy.
Mother Earth Spirtual Center and their staff changed my life and if you give them a chance to change yours it will be the best decision you ever make!